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Greene County Historical Society Bulletin

After a long hiatus, the GCHS is currently seeking to revive its publishing activities in the field of local history. The Greene County Historical Bulletin welcomes submissions of manuscripts based on original research in primary sources but that also employ relevant secondary sources.


Manuscripts should be double-spaced with one-inch margins.  We prefer footnotes, but endnotes are acceptable.  In either case, notes should be numbered consecutively in the text. Text and notes should be prepared according to the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press). Manuscripts should be submitted online at


Manuscripts will be edited to conform to the Bulletin style. The editors may also make changes for purposes of clarity or economy of expression. Any major or substantive changes will be made in consultation with the author.


Articles cannot be accepted until they conform to the specific points on citation style listed below:

  1. Books: The first citation for a published book will contain the name of the author or authors, the full title of the book, and in parentheses, the city where published, the publishing agency, and the date of publication; the parenthetical information should be followed by the volume number (where applicable) and the page number in arabic numerals. Subsequent citations should be shortened and contain the last name of the author, an abbreviated title, and the volume and page numbers.

  2. Articles: An article in a periodical is cited by full name of the author or authors, the title of the article in quotation marks, the name of the periodical in italics, the volume number (with no punctuation separating periodical name and volume number) in arabic numerals, the month (or season) and year of the issue in parentheses, followed by a colon and the page number(s). Second citations include the last name of the author, a shortened title of the article, and page number.

  3. Newspapers: Citations of newspapers should contain the name of the city in roman type (unless the city is part of the title), the title of the newspaper in italics, followed by the date (month, day, year).

  4. Manuscript Collections: First citations to manuscript collections should supply the complete formal name of the collection, the depository, and the city and state where located. When citing correspondence, the complete names of the writer and the addressee and the date of the correspondence should be provided. The place of the writing and identifications of the correspondents do not need to be furnished. References to materials housed in the National Archives must include the record group number. References to microfilmed records should indicate the name and depository of the original collection, and, in parentheses, a statement that a microfilm copy has been used.

  5. Interviews:  First citations to interviews should give the date and locale of the interview.

  6. Electronic Sources:  Citations should give name of site, author or creator’s name if available, URL, and the date that the site was accessed.


Manuscripts will be published in the Greene County Historical Bulletin only after being subject to an evaluation process that can take some months to complete. If you have an article that you would like to submit for consideration, please follow the link below.

Greene County

Historical Society

P.O. 3466

Springfield, Missouri, 65808

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